- nur für mich als systematische Gedankenstütze. Ich lehne
jegliche rechtliche Verpflichtung aus der Verwendung meiner Gedanken ab.
- Only for me as mnemonic aid. I decline all judicial responsibilities from
using these pages.
- Use this web on your own responsibility only!
U.S.A . - general info
Tracking real flights
tracking for
General Aviation flights **
incl. an excellent
flight planner (if registered), tutorial by famous
John & Martha King]e
(here) +[-
incl. a real flight
planner (if registered)]e
ligFlight Tracker
by ifly.com (here)
flightbird birdi
Preparing flights (US & CDN)
// Pre-Flight briefing (here)
Sectional charts:
+++++1) airport
Airport Lookup -
choose by state (Skyvector.com here)
+ tutorial video (here)
Airport Lookup -
choose by state (Airnav.com here)
eg: State Washington
eg: StateNew Hampshire
(replace WA by NH)
there: also distance finder, sectional
charts, etc.)
Canadian airport information
- intro (here)
/ Att.: file is big !
CanadianForecasts and Observations
/ NOTAM (here)
Canadian ==> Airport
of Entry (here)
Canadian Transborder Operations
- Customs and SFA, COPA (here)
sectional CDN charts (must
buy here);
sections of Canada's NorthEast (here?);
Flight Supplement, also:
NAV CANADA enroute low altitude,
CDN Aeronautical Publications
Flying in Canada -
AOPA , COPA (here)
Instrument Procedures,
+++++3) sectional US charts Online
Flight Supplement, (more,
e.g. Renton
- find on right and expand chart);
Flight Supplement,
also: US Government Flight Informations
Flight Supplement,i(1
here) (2
here) (FLIP-DVD)
+ Skyvector.com
+++++4) airport
identifiers (here);
by map (here) etc.
pp. (also special use air space)
+++++5) ==> flight
planners: a)
FltPlan.com (here)
==> why
work with it?
b) FliteWise.com (here)
and c) DUATS new (here);
cf. p15 (here)
About Flying in the
USA and flight planning etc.
create a flightplan (!)
on the map: Clickanywhere in the maps of
Skyvector.com (here)
and hit "plan"
(!) to
avoid airspace conflicts klick on line and drag
away. Good features!
+++++6) flight courses
"Flying New York and Washington DC" (here)
search for "ALC-79 New York City Special Flight Rules
Area (SFRA)"
New York Special Flight Rules Area (here)
and "ALC-55 Washington DC Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) "
---> Entering/Leaving S-FRA Wash./DC (here)
Entering/Leaving S-FRA Leesburg (here)
---> ATC concerns: Inside S-FRA Wash./DC
---> Safety: select your topic of interest
+++++7) FAA-NOTAMs
(here) /Don't
get intercepted: Presidential TFR's (here)
+++++8) Listen to Live
ATC - practice it (here)
/see below "other stuff"
+++++9) Online resources,
FAA (here);
www.faasafety.gov / Course Catalog (here)
Weather Airportsr(updated
in 30' intervals, here)
+++++Weather Channel -
for a first picture (here)
+++++National Weather
Service good picture (here)
+++++==> DUATS
-improved aviation weather incl. graphics, filing flight
plans (here),
classic old web (here)
+++++Aviation Weather
Center (here)
- Free Aviation Weather for Pilots (here)
+++++METAR / TAF
klick on Skyvector.com map locations (here)
+++Selected Cities
from 2 - 5
- 7 days forecast (for
14 day trend check "2")
Baltimore MD++ -
2 -
5 - 7
+++++- Philadelphia PA -
2 -
5 - 7
+++++- NYC NY++++++-
2 -
5 - 7
+++++- Boston MA++++
- 2 -
5 - 7
+++++- Manchester NH -
2 -
5 - 7
+++++- Bangor ME++++
- 2 -
5 - 7
+++++- Saint John NB ++-
2 -
5 -
+++++- Plattsburgh NY -
2 -
5 - 7
+++++- Kingston ON++
- 2 -
5 -
+++++- Ottawa ON+++
- 2 -
5 -
+++++- Peterborough ON -
2 -
5 -
+++++- Hamilton ON++++
- 2 -
5 -
+++++- Niagara Falls++++
- 2 -
5 - 7
+++++- Harrisburg PA++
- 2 -
5 - 7
+++++- Richmond VA+++
- 2 -
5 - 7
+++++- Wilmington NC++
- 2 -
5 - 7
+++++- Charleston SC++-
2 -
5 - 7
+++++- Brunswick GA ++-
2 -
5 - 7+
+++++- Jacksonville
- 2 -
5 - 7
+++++- Ft Lauderdale FL -
2 -
5 - 7
+++++- Key West FL++++
- 2 -
5 - 7
+++++- Naples FL++++++-
2 -
5 - 7
+++++- Tampa FL+++++-
2 -
5 - 7
Learning and Flying in Florida
Augustine - Flight School & Charter: Florida Aviation Career
Training (here)
Flights in New England
New England: Map NH, MA (here) / Airports of NH, MA Map (here)
Airports: Boire Field NASHUA NH (here)
[WIKI] ,
Manchester-Boston Regional NH (here)
, (civ)
Concord Municipal Airport NH (here)
; (civ),
best General Aviation airport in NH
Lawrence Municipal Airport MA (here)
, (civ)
Barnstable Municipal-Boardman/Polando Field Airport MA (here)
Boston-Logan Int'l Apt. MA (here)
[WIKI] (civ.)
training at Boire Field (Nashua)
Oficial Apt. website (here)
Businesses Boire Field (here)
AirDirect Airways (here)
Other stuff ...
FAA (here), FAA
Pilot Training (here),
Lots of info: a) FltPlan.com
(here) and b) FliteWise.com
all aviation abbreviations
- aviation safety knowledge library
- free online aviation library
ATC Phraseology
pilot training, worldwide ATC-Network !!
to Live ATC pilot training, worldwide
real air traffic - funny
Photos Florida - Luftsportverband RLP (here)
Magazine sportaviationonline (here)
Medicals Renton, WA
Flying in Europe - General Aviation in Europe
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